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Vegetable Salad

(Serves 4)


  1. 1 bowl onion roundly cut

  2. 1 bowl tomato roundly cut

  3. 1 bowl cucumber roundly cut

  4. 1 tbsp mustard oil

  5. 1 lemon juice

  6. 1 tsp sugar

  7. Salt to taste

  8. Coriander for garnishing


  1. Take a mixing bowl.

  2. Add tomato, cucumber and onion.

  3. Add lemon Juice, mustard oil, sugar and salt.

  4. Mix well all the ingredients (best mixed with hands).

For Serving

Garnish the salad with coriander leaves and refrigerate it for an hour. Your Vegetable Salad is ready to serve !!

For more amazing and healthy recipes of salad, visit our Salad Section for such recipes ..

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